Small Groups

There are many opportunities to share in small groups.


Volunteer Opportunities

There are numerous opportunities to participate in the life of the church. See the list of committees below and contact the chair.


First UU is a cooperative endeavor, and we need your help. Join a committee and find yourself among friends. (The chair of each committee is listed first.)

Board of Trustees
The Board endeavors to make decisions on behalf of the congregation and to carry out the desires of the congregation after democratic voting procedures at congregational meetings. New officers begin on July 1.

Chair: Cathie Laska

Past Chair: John Lunsford
Vice Chair: Greg Williams
Secretary: Spencer Bran
Treasurer: Ellen Hughes
At Large: Charlie Thompson
At Large: Sylvia Oster

Committee on Ministry
Facilitates communication among the congregation and the board.
Sara Laughlin

Oversees church finances.
Ellen Hughes, David Bryant
Oversees hospitality teams for coffee hour and other social gatherings as determined by the chair.
Jackie Lower
Pastoral Care
Provides the congregation with support and confidentiality related to care.
Rev. Doddie Stone
Works to welcome visitors and to integrate frequent attendees and new members into the life of the church.
Rev. Doddie Stone

Music and Aesthetics
Seeks and decides on the music and art choices that enhance the experience of worship.
Cathie Laska
Service Associates
Works to organize Sunday services.
Julie Young, Jean Kristeller, Jackie Lower, Frank Young, Bill Payton, Charlie Thompson
Social Action
Informs and encourages members and friends to participate in social justice actions, both locally and in the national and international areas of concern.
Sylvia Oster / Cathy McGuire
Building Maintenance
Manages the maintenance of the building.
Bill Payton, John Lunsford
Long-Range Planning
Creates the schema for growth and stability.

Committee chairs may change during the year. All friends and members are encouraged to participate in a committee. However, Finance and the Committee on Ministry are determined by the board.